Across the parking lot from our office there was the Highland Grill (today, Parker’s). It was a popular lunch and after work place. Whenever there was a big sale, the salesman or sales manager would host a get together in the bar after work. We would usually wind up taking up more than half the huge bar.

One day, we had a get together and I was among the first there. I guess I was bored so I decided to stir things up. Our boss had bad hair. It sat right on top of his head. I told a small group that it was a toupee. This discussion started spreading among the groups. At one point someone said that they had seen him with new haircuts. I channeled Cliff Clavin and pointed out that most people with toupees have several and as the surrounding hair gets longer they put on a longer toupee.

Well, when he arrived, he was the subject of a lot of checking out as people tried to figure out whether it was a toupee or not.  This question was never resolved and I didn’t admit until years later that I started the rumor.